Using dnsupdate

Dynamic DNS update client

usage: dnsupdate [-h] [-f] [-V] [config]

Positional Arguments


the config file to use

Named Arguments

-f, --force-update
force an update to occur even if the address has not changed

or a service has been disabled

-V, --version

show program’s version number and exit

dnsupdate is designed to be run as a cron job or with any other scheduler. It checks for address changes and exits after sending any necessary updates. Example systemd service and timer files are included in the root of the repository. The service file is automatically installed as part of the Arch Linux AUR package.

On startup, dnsupdate checks if the addresses for any of the configured services have changed, and if so it will attempt to update them. If an update fails and the service reports that the problem was due to client misconfiguration (such as an incorrect password or hostname), the service will be disabled until the config file is edited.

The -f flag can be used to force the update of all services, even if no addresses have changed or a service is disabled. This flag should not be used as part of the automatic update process because too many update attempts that result in no change will cause some services to ban you.